The Race
I could really use a new bike helmet. My old one was scratched and chipped, and the blue paint left behind a sticky yellow residue. I didn't have...
Bicycles are a common denominator among almost all of us, regardless of the part of the world or the culture in which we live.
Whether for work, transportation, fitness, enjoyment, or all of the above, bikes, specifically — and the experience of pedaling two wheels, generally — binds us together.
Here, we explore the cycling experience from riders all over the globe, by sharing their stories and the unique perspectives that only biking provides.
I could really use a new bike helmet. My old one was scratched and chipped, and the blue paint left behind a sticky yellow residue. I didn't have...
As I cycle home, my colleague sits At the bus stop Reaching out to high-five me as I pass. Trying to clap his hand I lose control Of the handlebars With the remaining arm...
Some people get where they're going in trucks, while others go in cars. Some take ships to far off shores, even as far as the stars. There are people who always go...
Her bike went uphill When she disappeared, I knew what mother Would say But this wasn’t A simple play, It was a beginning of a love affair, So,...
“At my own pace, I can make my own way.”Jen C. Green I check the weather forecast every morning. Gauging the sky, I take off with appropriate attire,...
Jonah’s pulse quickened as he opened the door to “Bikes for Life,” and when he spied the sleek silver frame, his heart leaped. He’d admired touring bikes for...
My father used to hold the handlebars And never let me ride alone Until one day I finally got it. I used to put my feet on the...
Alone in a dark corner of the shed, it sat untouched for years, until one day it caught my eye. I don't know why that day was different,...
Darrell Preston A bench on the lake where he bicycled with his daughter says his name: Darrell Preston, an internationally known, prize-winning journalist, an avid bicyclist, and my...
I guess it was the cycle home that made me notice. I'd ride along, rusty chain clinking in unison with the pedal’s thumping click, as they both swung...