Pedaling steadily behind
I train my eyes on your back wheel,
I will myself to copy your lead
And stay off the brakes.
This following is not natural.
We plunge forward and down.
Pebbles shoot up from under your tires and mud
Splatters your back.
You, a modern knight, ride ahead,
Taking the fathom of puddles,
Warning of dangers,
Pointing safe passage.
When you reach the five-bar gate,
You nudge it open, canting your bike
And I proceed
With a grateful wave.
“Sir Francis Drake, the sun is setting and the air is cool.”
We halt while you fetch the neoprene gauntlets
From well-stocked pockets,
Your sturdy helmet
Gleaming in the dusk.
On we ride.
At the car we dismount
and you thank me
as we change
into dry clothes and shoes
before I drive us back.