Life’s Ride

My wheels tread across the ground. 
Hair, slick with sweat, under glazed, hard helmet. 
“Safety first,” Momma said. 
My legs push forward on the pedals, falling back down and spinning back up. 
An endless cycle of motion, of rebirth, spitting out distance. 
The wind beckons me. 
This freedom for which I yearned. 
Wrapped on my body like a veil. 
These wheels are my meaning, 
And this ride is my life. 

Categories: Cycling Stories
Derek Lakin: Derek has more than two decades of experience as a cyclist, and is the founder of TreadBikely. He currently travels full-time with his family via RV, enjoying the country's best biking destinations. A secular Buddhist, Derek frequently explores the intersection of cycling, mindfulness, and compassion in his writing. #rolloutblissout