growing up

How to Ride a Bike

September 17, 2020 Cycling Stories 0 Comments

Second Place: Summer 2020 Writing Contest It was on a bike that I learned the lay of Ketchikan, Alaska, from the most intimate perspective. At 5:00 in the morning, I was the only...

The Story of My First Rides

September 2, 2020 Cycling Stories 0 Comments

Miles away, my school from home, Walk the miles to reach the place. Not a bus or a service that lifts. Every day, we went together, That friend who lives in between.  He waits, and sometimes waited I.   Met a cycle, me for the first.  As I...

These Wheels Have Wings

Hidden inside a brown box A green-framed  Mountain bike I’d found On my birthday Glowing as a night star My Raleigh; Green Mamba,’ I named him. He was fast  He was furious On the road he was amazing Hurrah! On me, I’ve found...