We Ride Our Bikes Everywhere

Some people get where they’re going in trucks, 
while others go in cars. 
Some take ships to far off shores, 
even as far as the stars. 
There are people who always go on foot, 
or paddle in light canoes. 
And all those ways are fine for going, 
but we ride our bikes everywhere. 
We ride our bikes each day to school. 
On weekends we ride them too. 
We ride to do our shopping trips 
and sometimes to the zoo. 
And on our holiday retreats 
we ride down pretty, foreign streets 
where many biking travelers meet. 
We ride our bikes everywhere. 
We ride in sunshine 
and in rain, 
sometimes in snow 
it can be a pain. 
When it’s windy, we sail, 
when it’s icy, we skate, 
when there’s lightning, it’s true, 
we sometimes do wait, 
but somehow, we always find a way 
to ride our bikes everywhere. 
People are born with two feet for walking, 
but we were born with two wheels, too. 
Our motors are quiet, 
our fuel is clean, 
we breathe in the fresh air, 
we see the whole scene, 
we smell all the smells, 
we hear all the sounds, 
wind touches our skin, 
when we ride our bikes everywhere. 
One day, we’ll ride across the whole land. 
We’ll ride clear over the sea. 
And maybe, if we really dream hard, 
we’ll ride as far as can be. 
All the way past the moon 
and the red rocks of Mars, 
to the rings of Saturn 
and as far as the stars, 
And you can come too, 
no place is too far, 
just get on your bike, 
and pedal real hard 
Together, we can ride our bikes everywhere.

Categories: Cycling Stories
Derek Lakin: Derek has more than two decades of experience as a cyclist, and is the founder of TreadBikely. He currently travels full-time with his family via RV, enjoying the country's best biking destinations. A secular Buddhist, Derek frequently explores the intersection of cycling, mindfulness, and compassion in his writing. #rolloutblissout

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